

Welcome to the 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ West Chatham 10U ⭐️All Stars ⭐️ Page. Our team is made up from girls from our local recreational leagues- the top athletes are selected to come together from across our count(ies) and compete as one ⭐️All Star ⭐️ team! On July 12th these girls and coaches (after dedicating weeks of practice and preparation) clinched North Carolina’s Dixie Youth State All Star title for the 10U division. We’re so proud of our girls and our community for cheering them on. When securing the state title, the team earned a chance to compete in the World Series. The Dixie Youth World Series tournament starts July 28 in Fairview Tennesse! We need your help! We’re in need of sponsors and donations to help our girls travel for this once in a lifetime opportunity! The funds wil help secure lodging, meals, and any other associated cost with World Series play. As always, we appreciate your support today and in the days to come. There is no doubt we couldn’t make this dream come true without our community support!

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