

Frank is a disabled Vietnam Veteran, and a pillar of the community. When he is not at home, he is at his church helping others. Frank is severely injured, and can barely walk. He uses a cane or walker, and has been awaiting back surgery through the VA for years. He is in constant pain. Frank lives on a VERY small fixed income. Not long ago, in an effort to help someone else, they sadly stole from him. It started a downward spiral he couldn’t recover from, and he was going to be evicted. Miraculously, we were able to pay that month’s rent for him, so he didn’t lose his home. He lives in an RV park, in the trailer pictured. The park has been up for sale, and while improvements are being made, lot rent is increasing. We feared Frank couldn’t afford his trailer rent AND lot rent anymore. We also feared a new owner may force Frank out, as his trailer isn’t exactly the most beautiful thing in the world. So we had a discussion with the current owners, (they love Frank, too) to see if we could come up with a solution to safeguard Frank. The owners agreed to sell Frank his trailer, for the amount of $2,000. (If you saw it, you’d understand why it’s only worth $2,000). They will put him on a long-term fixed lease with stabilized lot rent, so that any new owner will be obligated to honor. And by buying the trailer, his rent for that disappears. Frank has been hit hard lately. His truck broke down, so he has no transportation. He’s been stuck at home, and we’ve seen the depression setting in. (See video - he started to cry, and it was heartbreaking). Frank is also an animal lover, and he’s rescued 2 cats and a pitbull off the streets. He would be lost without their companionship, and we are worried about his financial ability to care for them. The cats are in desperate need of Capstar and flea preventative. We are hoping and praying we can raise enough money to buy Frank’s trailer, and collect enough pet supplies that he will be set for a long while. We can only imagine the relief he would feel, not having to worry about his future and safety for the first time in God knows how long. Please help us on our quest to pay it forward, and to return a favor for this man that bravely fought for our freedom, and paid the price by being disabled for life. Any amount helps. A dollar? Five dollars? It all adds up. And if you’re concerned about where your money goes, you can purchase pet supplies on Amazon instead. Please note that we ALWAYS post live videos when we accomplish our goal, to show the public how their good deeds have so greatly impacted the life of another human-being.

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