

Hi my name is Kirsty and I am fundraising for my beloved pet Rokko. Rokko is 3 on the 31st of august. On Wednesday the 26th July I came down to my beautiful boy unable to move his hind legs or even weight bare. I immediately rushed him to our vets where they took him out of the room to examine him. Which seemed like hours before his vet came back into me. When she finally came back she didn’t have Rokko with her which immediately made my heart sink. She told me I have a very poorly dog who on examination isn’t responding to nerve sensory tests and his reflexes arnt working how they should be. I automatically thought the worst possible outcome is about to become my reality. She diagnosed Rokko with IVDD. Intervertebral disc disease. A little insite to this disease. Just like in people the neck and back are made up of multiple bones lined up in a row. These bones are called vertebrae. The vertebrae surround and protect the spinal cord, which transmits information from the brain to the legs and from the legs back to the brain. In between each pair of vertebrae is an intervertebral disc that is shaped like a jelly donut. The disc has an inner jelly part and an outer donut part. Intervertebral discs act as spacers and cushion between the bones of the neck and back. The jelly inside part of the disc can come out of the donut at high speed. When this happens it hits the spinal cord, causing bruising and swelling and compresses the spinal cord. This is extremely painful. Rokko is on high dosage of pain medication multiple times throughout the day and night. Rokko is on complete crate rest. My vet has referred us to see the specialist at pride veterinary practice. For us to see what actual grade of IVDD Rokko has he will need to go for an MRI which is £3,000. The next steps then will be surgery to help correct his discs. Rokko is also a hemophiliac. Which all of his clotting and plasma treatments will be needed to be medically stable before the surgery can take place. The funding I would like to raise for help with this is an estimate for all of the above treatment. His rehabilitation therapy is yet to be estimated. Because Rokko is a hemophiliac no insurance companies will cover him. He is registered at PDSA but this diagnosis isn’t something they can help with. Rokko is the baby of the family and is so loved. His character can bring anyone to a smile instantly, he’s a cheeky boy, loves to play. Loves a cuddle preferably on your chest lol. He is such a happy boy. Seeing him like this is heartbreaking. We don’t know what we would do without him.

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