I never thought I'd need to do something like this. I never thought I'd be asking for help from family, friends, or strangers, but here we are. Yesterday my dog, Harley was ill. Nothing dangerous, or so I thought, just an upset stomach or something. Later in the day she collapsed and seemed weak. I left work to take her to an ER vet just to rule out anything serious. The first bad news came in the form of a blood test. Her white blood cell count was incredibly low. The normal range is 5 to 13.5. Hers was .75. The x-rays came next and confirmed the nightmare. Her WBC was so low because she was septic. An infection was ravaging her uterus and she would die if left untreated. We rushed her to an animal hospital where she had emergency surgery for Pyometra. She was also diagnosed with IMHA or anemia, and had several dark spots on her spleen. The surgeon opted not to remove her spleen because it was too risky at this time. I can't tell you how amazing these people are. They saved my dog and have worked with me to make this happen. She's doing well today. Harley is a stubborn dog and does not give up. Pyometra is a very fast and aggressive infection that sometimes takes dogs without any signs or warnings. Many dogs do not live more than 24 to 48 hours. The surgeon doesn't think she would have made it through the night without the immediate care they provided. I know it's hard on everyone right now. The price has everything is gone up. For me and my family, it's been rough too. Car trouble, health issues, its just been one of those tears. Just surviving has been the goal lately. While I thank God I was able to have enough savings for down payments to save my dogs life, but now I'm in a hole I can't climb out of on my own. I have to figure out how to pay my normal bills, the new vet bills, and fund Harleys after care along with a second surgery to remove her spleen. I'm not asking anyone to pay my bills, I just didnt have the money on hand for such a large and unexpected cost. Any amount means the world. $5, $10, $20, anything, will go a very long way. Most of all, to make sure the time we have left with her is time she's happy and not in pain. Hopefully that's a very long time. I know someday I will have to say goodbye, but today is not that day. Normally I'm a prideful person. I don't want to ask for your help, but this isn't for me. It's for Harley and there's not much I wouldn't do for her. I'm not asking you to accept this, I know people will scoff at it, but that dog is very much like a kid to me and if I have to ask for help to save her, so be it. Thank you for reading. If you could share this to friends, family, groups on Facebook, etc. it will not go unappreciated.
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