

Hi everyone, my name is Megan and the middle child of Noreen "Rena" O'Neil. While we were on a family vacation in Las Vegas tragedy struck and my mom, Rena, suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. She had been such a strong fighter the past year and was cleared to travel just a week ago. She was so excited to come to Vegas and play some slots. Heartbreakingly enough she did not get a chance to do that. We are absolutely devastated from this loss. I am scrambling to make arrangements with a funeral home here in Nevada and also have to figure out the steps in which once we get her back to MA where I will be setting things up there. If you know my mom she was a sassy and proud woman who did NOT like to ask for help. I'm much the same way but this isn't about me right now, it's about my mom and making sure we give her the best arrangements we can. I need your help, please. There's been a lot of transitions over this past year in our household and we are at the point where we could really use some help to make sure we give my mom what she would have wanted. Anything is appreciated, even a share. Thank you.

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