Hello I'm Cedric Tellier. I'm a martial arts and dance teacher as a professional and movie director and stuntman as an amator. Wu is one of my biggest astistic project, mixing kung fu and brazilian zouk and I'm very happy that this movie is caming to life after two years working on it. To make this movie looks great and professional i need to find others artists to do what i cannot. My first goal is to reach 1000 euros to be able to have a good music and calibration. And second goal is reach 2000 euros to do sound mixing and special effects (if i do myself it will take an other year!). And then if we reach higher amount, I will use this money for my next project which involve also dance and kung, but we will add... fire ! Have you ever dreamed about being and be cretited as producer of a movie ? Here it is, WU trailer : Click here Music would be composed by Adrian Ignasse. It will be epic, with asian and metal flavor ! Here is one of my previous project, a kung fu movie called Force and Honnor : Click here Here is a dance movie which will introduce to you the main actress Caroline Merlin : Click here
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