Hello there! I appreciate you taking the time to read about my journey. I’ll start by giving a little context. I am a 27-year-old product designer from Pakistan, who shot his shot and got into his dream program, the MS in Strategic Design and Management at the Parsons School of Design as the only Pakistani student in his program. I also secured a substantial scholarship from the university and hope to utilize a mix of my life savings and on-campus jobs to fund the remaining tuition and living expenses. I am a first-generation college graduate in my family and have always tried to do things on my terms, completing my undergrad education the same way. Unfortunately, however, my country’s economic conditions, a deteriorating exchange rate, and some unforeseen expenses mean that not only am I falling short even with my savings, but I will also have very little time between arriving in New York City, finding an on-campus job, and transferring and covering the funds I need (mainly the remaining tuition and insurance costs) within the payment deadline of August 21, 2024. As such, I am leaning on the kindness of strangers like you to help me set myself up for success right from the beginning. I hope to raise enough funds to ensure that I can pay for at least the tuition costs before the deadline while I figure out the logistics of moving halfway around the world and getting back on my own two feet. A donation from you, however large or small, would mean that I will be able to pay for those upfront costs and have something in hand to help me settle in, and eventually use this education to make a difference in people’s lives. Thank you for taking the time to read so far and for your generosity. As a final request, I hope you will share this campaign with other people in your network who might be willing and able to help.
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