Hello, my name is Susan and I am setting this up on behalf of my sister Nicole. She adopted this puppy in June and has fallen head over heals in love with “Hank”. My sister is a loving dog mom and throughout the years has raised many and they were all spoiled and well cared for. This little guy had a terrible accident and fell into my sisters pool. After a few hours Hank was showing signs of respiratory problems and was having trouble breathing. This resulted in an emergency trip to Lathem at a veterinary clinic that specializes in emergency situations. This is an emergency. Currently Hank is receiving high doses of oxygen, antibiotics, and steroids. He is also being monitored very closely around the clock. We know that Hank has the best chance of recovery at this facility. As you might have guessed the vet bill is going to be expensive and I know that this unexpected burden is a hard one to shoulder alone. If this goal is met, it won’t cover all the cost but will help in the overall. My sister was able to see him before leaving but Hank is two hours away and my sister is heartbroken. She just wants him home so she can squeeze him and love on him. If you are a pet lover you know this feeling of being completely helpless so I am asking on her behalf (I have never done this before). I know that she is too proud. Anything at all would be so appreciated. I thank you all. concerned sister
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