a while back my nino/tio Lupe had went missing, as most of you remember i posted flyers of him everyday until we found him. 2 going on to 3 months of him missing and us missing him. he was struggling with addiction and as much as we tried to help he didn’t want it to the point where rehab had to come into play. we didn’t have the money to do that here so we had to send him to mexico with our family where rehab would be most affordable and all my family pitched in for him; already struggling financially. we love my tío lupe very much. we wanted him to get help. we wanted our tío to strive. sadly in and out of rehab he went, he couldn’t get clean. Now he’s been missing for 4 months in Mexico and just three days ago we had received a call from the corners stating they found a body identical to his missing person report and unfortunately today we got the news it was him. as someone who has and has witnessed the suffering addiction can cause it’s still hard to accept that’s the reason he’s gone. before his addiction he had a husband, a home, a life. it’s so easy to get addicted and lose it all but no matter what he had family loving him, supporting him, and waiting on him. all he had to do was come home. i hope to anyone going through addiction takes this as a sign to get help and want it. you have a home and people who love you. do it for you and them. te quiero con todo mi corazón Tío, te extraño más si possible. que cansas en paz.
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