Friday july21st update exactly what they predicted is happening grizs belly is full of fluid. He’s going to need surgery. I’m waiting on a quote. Please help if you can *update Tuesday morning 11:24am* I really didn’t think I’d have this update after the amazing recovery he seemed to be having. I’m not sure what’s happening. The vets will not be straight forward. I came in this morning to find him a complete 180 then he was last night. He will not eat or drink water. He’s is completely exhausted and vomited. Now they are giving him more tests and more scans and more blood work. No one seems to have any answers. His catheter is completely different and I have not received a single phone call from these people while he has been here with ANY updates. I’m not sure if these people are trying to squeeze as many thousands out of me as they can but I’m going to do everything to figure out how to save him. If everyone can share. If not for donations but just for an insight to how Walker road animal hospital treats their patients and their owners. *Update Sunday Morning 9:30am* Todays update.. he’s ok. I’ve been going and feeding him his meds and everything twice a day. He won’t eat or poop without me. They’re saying it’s going to be a week now. The original plan of care was 5.. if anyone can help or share even I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks again everyone. I hope I won’t have to keep sharing this soon. I wish I could just bring him home. *THIRD UPDATE SATURDAY @1:30 pm* Griswald is showing signs of improvement. However he cannot leave the hospital. The vet is avoiding surgery at all costs but it is still not ruled out. his plan of care is a cath for the next 5 days and when they remove it they will be able to tell if the rupture healed itself or not. we are not out of the woods yet but I am trying to remain positive. I've posted more pictures of my boy and the cost breakdown..thank you, everyone, so much for the support. you have no idea how much it means to us. *second update Friday @7:30pm* I was able to update with the screenshot the vet sent me. This is just so far for what I have paid. They didn’t attach it to a proper invoice which I’m still fighting them about. I have been given the run around about what to do with my dog. This screenshot doesn’t include my most recent quote. This is 12 hours at the vet so far- I wish I had more information- unfortunately dealing with this vet is a nightmare as nothing has been straightforward and everything is a scare tactic it feels like. Thanks to everyone who has helped so far and has shared. I’m gonna keep boosting this. I will keep updating with invoices and pricing information as I go along so you can see where your money is going ❤️ I can’t thank everyone enough. *just an update. Toronto is not able to take him until Monday morning. They have to keep him hospitalized and monitored on a catheter* so far we are at $3700 for just two days of being here* thank you everyone so far. As most of the people that know me I like to think they know this would be my last resort, asking for any sort of assistance. all it took was a vet to say to Griz’s life depends on this and I’m not going to hesitate. Griz took a fall down some stairs Thursday evening which resulted in him rupturing his bladder. The surgery that he requires isn’t easy because they will have to keep him and monitor him for a long time. I’m being told to bring him to Toronto currently. im Not rich in any means and I would never be the one to ask for money but every little bit helps. My dog is my world. I cannot imagine without him in it.
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