

Hello my name is Chris but I go by izzy. I am fundraising to help update my current garden that I use as a community garden, Allowing anybody who is hungry to come and eat. We are an education center that we teach people how to grow there own food and how to make their Own medicines. I didn't want to come across Seeming greedy asking for too much money. So I put the lowest possible amount that I could think of that would barely scrape by. Hopefully This can be achieved and then some. Every Spring for the last 5 years. I've given away 3000 to 6000 vegetable and herb plant starts to the public for free. This year due to lack of funding, I will not be able to do this unless I can raise money. The more money I am able to raise the more vegetables and fruits. I will be able to grow to feed the hungry in the community. Along with more starts I can give a way to the public for free.

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