Bruce Martin, our dear son, father, grandfather, brother, cousin, colleague and friend, passed away on July 12, 2024. In 2024, Bruce and Clancy brought their beautiful son, Thiikel-ee'enh Wilfred (aka Wilfy), into the world. Following the suggestion of Bruce's friends, and a discussion amongst his and Wilfy's families, we have decided to set up a LFEBridge for Wilfy. Bruce is no longer here to look after his son. But this fundraiser offers an opportunity for Bruce’s family and friends to step in for Bruce, by showing Wilfy that we are committed to his future, and by reciprocating the deep love and generosity that reflected the way Bruce lived his life. All funds raised will go to Wilfy’s mum Clancy, and will be used on education and experiences to enrich the little man’s life. If you have any questions about the fundraiser, want to talk about other ways of helping, or simply want to talk, please contact Bruce’s brother Rex Thank you
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