Hello everyone! I am Kelly Ryan’s niece. I know her death came as a shock to many. She had a very fast moving cancer and many related complications. She was in the hospital for most of her last days, before being able to go home for her last 2 days. She fought hard, mostly for her son Thomas. She was his whole world and he was hers. She constantly referred to him as her greatest gift and she was so beyond proud to be the mother of the sweet boy Thomas is. She was the most loving person I have ever known. Her heart was so big and I am grateful so many people got to feel her love. To know Kelly was to love her. As many people know, funeral service costs are outrageous and I am aiming to relieve the financial burden on my grieving family. Unfortunately this is my grandparent’s second child that has passed and they are still financially recovering from losing my Auntie Melissa Ryan. The funds raised will directly go to the debt my grandparents have been put in after the costs accumulated laying Kelly to rest. Any fees possibly raised past that point will go towards an account started for her son, Thomas, to support him in the future. Thank you for reading and considering a donation. Truly any amount will help. If you are not able to donate, please share. Along with your donation or share, please feel free to leave memories you have with Kelly or how she touched your life, as I know she touched many lives. Her memory will forever live on through her son, parents, siblings, nieces/nephews, and friends.
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