

Good evening Facebook family. I am sharing another sudden and horrific tragedy.  This one involves our son Daniel and my daughter in love, Juliana and her beautiful family.  This morning we were notified of her brothers sudden and unexpected death. His name is Fernando Leite. He had just turned 30, thirty years old. Mercy!!!   The family is devastated as you can imagine. They do have a very strong faith in Jesus.   As my pastor always says, there "ain't" no pain like kid pain.  I believe that to be true.   Friends and family, I need your help.  If you pray, please do that.  If you can give something to help with their sons/brothers funeral expenses that would be MORE than appreciated.  PLEASE!!  We. Need. Your. Help.  Having just walked this funeral expenses journey, it is VERY expensive.  If you can help, please do.  If you can share this, please do. May God bless you all...

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