Hi I’m Harriet, I am 17 and I was selected in September to represent Girlguiding London and South East London on a two week international inter railing around Europe in the Summer 2024. I order to attend this amazing opportunity I need to fundraise £2,300!! So far I have a £200 grant from the region and the first £200 deposit has been paid so over the next 10 months alongside A-Levels, I am hoping to fundraise and earn the rest. My amazing group of 12 girls aged 14-18 and 4 leaders are hoping to visit 4 counties (Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland and the Netherlands) and I am most excited about Switzerland as we are hoping to visit one of WAGGGS world centre, Our Chalet, which is something I have always wanted to do. In order to help achieve this goal please consider donating, anything will help :)
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