I have turned off donations. If you wish to make a donation, please reach out through this LFEBridge. Hi, my name is Hayley, and I am raising funds for my dog, Luke. On Monday evening (7/17), my dog and I were attacked after an owner lost control of her two dogs and dropped the leashes. We were chased back to the steps of my apartment where the dogs started to viciously attack Luke before he even had a chance to defend himself. Somehow, there was a break in the attack, and we were able to get inside. As soon as the dogs were gone, I rushed him to the emergency vet where he underwent surgery in an attempt to save his leg and life. We brought him home Tuesday morning and tried to keep him as comfortable as possible. He was starting to do better and act more like himself until we started to notice a discharge coming from his wound on Friday night. By Saturday evening, there was significant discharge and signs of necrosis (tissue death) so we rushed him to the emergency vet again. The vet confirmed this was necrosis and took him back for yet another surgery. When she came out to give us the update, we learned our worst fears had come true. Luke is going to need several more surgeries to try to save his leg, and there is a possibility that even after all of our efforts, he may not have any salvageable tissue left. We would do anything to help our boy, but his road to recovery will be long and, for lack of a better word, expensive. We would greatly appreciate any donation to help us take care of our sweet boy and give him the best care and outcome that we can. **WARNING: The photos of his injuries attached are graphic and may be difficult to view
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