My name is Caitlyn and I am a proud disciple who is part of the Chicago Church of Christ - baptized just over a year and a half ago. (2/22/22) Over the last several months, I have been transformed spiritually and have truly found my peace in my salvation with GOD. I have spent several hours in study and diving into Jesus' life and admirable characteristics. One of the more admirable traits is the LOVE that we are called to reflect into the world. God has developed my heart to become soft and has struck a passion for serving others. I (personally) fill my cup by helping others. Whether it is professionally by providing the best consultation and client experience at work or packing meals a Feed My Starving Children or helping plan events or fellowship opportunities within my ministry – it fills my heart, but I know it is only because I am doing it all in Jesus’ name and I am glorifying and worshiping our father in the process. Serving others has pulled me closer to God and enriched my desire to reflect Jesus’ love. I am allowing him to move and speak to me through scripture and beyond grateful for him keeping the Holy Spirit incredibly loud in my heart. My most recent call to serve has been completely outside of my comfort zone. I will be serving in my first community service brigade in El Salvador (November 9 - 12) where I will be serving individuals and communities who are in needs of medical, dental, and psychosocial services. Since I am not a medical professional, I plan to serve by spending time with the children while their parents receive care or while they wait to be treated or serve in any other way God wants to use me. I will be using vacation time pay out, other savings and hope raise money to support my travel/boarding expenses (Approximately $1,800.00) and to be able to donate medical supplies and/or donate excess funds raised directly to Hope WorldWide and service El Salvador. ALL money will be used for the Mission Trip and local donation and NO personal gain. Any donations, prayers, words of wisdom (or even Spanish lessons are accepted!). Thank you for anything you provide.
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