

On July 11th we unexpectedly and suddenly lost my father in law Eduardo Del Rio. He leaves behind his wife Maria and their 3 daughters; Litzy, Ahtziri, & Jetzy. He always wanted to give his family everything that was in his power. He worked countless days and nights to provide for his family and continued to do so until his passing. We’re raising money in order to cover funeral expenses as well as hospital bills. Anything helps and is appreciated, thank you. El 11 de Julio perdimos inesperadamente a mi suegro Eduardo Del Rio. Deja atrás a su esposa María y sus 3 hijas; Litzy, Ahtziri y Jetzy. Siempre quiso darle a su familia todo lo que estaba en su poder. El era un hombre trabajador y responsable con su familia Desafortunadamente fue algo inesperado. Estamos recaudando dinero para cubrir los gastos del funeral y las facturas del hospital. Cualquier cosa ayuda y se agradece, gracias.

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