

Hi, my name is Marissa, and I am fundraising on behalf of Doug St Clair and family. If you know Doug St Clair, you know how he not only helps make, but really carries the gatherings, events, and family occasions. Which is why you know; Doug has battled hard against his diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer this year. Doug accepted home hospice care in early November. Where he was able to spend his final days surrounded by his family and loved ones reminiscing on good times and endless memories. While family cared for him and kept him as comfortable as possible. Doug’s body was tired and is now on the winding road to his ancestors and close ones who’ve already traveled. He passed away peacefully on the morning of November 25, 2024. Cancer sucks!!!! It is such a cost. It has robbed us of future Doug. There have been a lot of hospital and treatment costs during his battle these past few months; and now funeral expenses. I hope you join me in helping Doug. This Go Fund Me is for medical, funeral/memorial, "Celebration of Life" expenses. (Celebration of life--TBD early 2024) Any support is greatly appreciated. Please consider leaving us a message or sharing any stories or memories. Be well, be safe, and join us in celebrating and helping our “life of the party” on his journey home. Miigwech The StClair Family

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