

Hi, my name is Jessika Sandoval I am blessed to be Jewell’s mother. As my heart breaks on the lost of my 1st born at just 26 years old. I am here asking for help. I am a single mother and after my mothers death on December and brothers death on January. The last thing I need was a third death in the family. Financially it’s impossible. We will be cremating her and putting her in a box at a funeral home (Funeraria Del Angel ) Account # is 015441003210 and phone number is (956)5.4.1-5400. The phone number won’t post so you can google it’s in Brownsville Texas and can make a payment with the account# and name Jewell Alexix Sandoval. Even though I am thankful to go fund me it does take a percent off so if this can be an option to some of you would greatly appreciated so we get the full credit of your donation.  In advance I thank all who will find it in there hearts to help us in this time of need. No donation is to small and is greatly appreciated. My sweet daughter had Diabetis type 1 since 10 years old. The last 5 years her health got worst and sadly she keeped getting denied for health insurance over and over. She had gastroparalysis which her stomach could no longer digest food properly. With her Diabetis if she eat she would be in extreme pain for hours a day. If she didn’t eat or if she couldn’t keep food up her sugars levels would drop dangerously and she would get a seizure . She was dam if she do and dam if she don’t. She was in and out the hospitals. She would go sometimes 4 days a week for seizures and low sugars. Sadly on July 19, 2024 the Lord took her suffering. She got a seizure while she was about to bath and drowned. She was found submerged in water all alone The hot water would help her ease her pain and sadly that day it took her pain completely. I remember the pain was so severe one day when I was with her she sadly told me mom I just can’t take it no more I rather just die. Everytime those words would break my heart. A mother seeing and hearing her daughter in pain and can’t do nothing about it. I always said the worst pain would be a death of a child and now I can tell you by experience it is. Last thing I want to do is put her where I can go visit her. So I ask with all my heart if anyone can help with anything would be appreciated. Total cost is close to $6000 I will put myself a little over $1200 by next month. So my goal went to $5000 from $6000. Thank you all in advance and God bless you all. I know she is no longer suffering. God has her in his hands as we speak. Thank you again a broken hearted mother

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