
close Climate Change is a real thing and it's up to us to do what we can to keep our planet beautiful for our kids and grandkids. We all know how important trees are to any ecosystem and how they are being destroyed for money and land. The biggest journeys can start with the smallest of steps. The Our City Forest Education Center is a community nursery and safe space where children can learn more about nature and people can become more aware of our human footprint. By inspiring others to take action, the center can help more people take their first steps toward a more sustainable environment. Scout Varchas Athreya is helping modernize this center by adding benches and a display case to the back half of the center. Help fund this scout's Eagle Project and make steps towards a healthier Earth. To learn more about Our City Forest's Education center, visit this link. To find out how Eagle Projects help better today's world step by step, you can go here. If you have any questions, you can contact Varchas Athreya.

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