

Hello, friends- old and new! We are raising $6,000 to cover the cost of a life-saving surgery for Billie, our beloved cat. Billie was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer earlier this year after we noticed two tiny growths on her underside. Dr. An at Belmont Heights Animal Hospital successfully removed two of her mammary glands in March. Unfortunately, we noticed a number of small tumors growing only a couple months later. The good news is that the surgical oncologist (a veterinary surgeon who specializes in cancer treatment) is confident that she can remove the remaining mammary glands in a "bilateral radical mastectomy done at the same time" with good margins. We have already paid for the preliminary tests to confirm that Billie's cancer has not spread, but the estimate for the mastectomy is $6,500-$8,822.45. We (Billie's human parents) value our independence and have not sought out charitable support in the past, but in addition to Billie's medical bills, we are also paying off (human) medical bills. We know times are hard right now and so we thank you for even taking the time to read our story. If you're able, we ask that you please donate whatever you can- even $5 is meaningful! If you can't afford to donate right now, please share this page with your friends and family and encourage them to donate. Billie is the most loving and patient cat most people have met. She was born and raised in La Grange, Texas (any ZZ Top fans!?) before a record-breaking winter storm pummeled Central Texas, where we were living at the time. We had just moved into our dream home and were ready to start a family when Clarissa received a devastating medical diagnosis of infertility as the result of amenorrhea. Infertility treatments are costly and the diagnosis came right at the start of the pandemic, when "non-essential" healthcare was unavailable. We were heartbroken. Even the sight of a shirt emblazoned with "Best Mom" or "Papa Bear" reminded us of the love we were missing out on and often we found ourselves fighting tears in public. Now all that is keeping us from donning our own "Cat Parent" merchandise are Billie's looming medical bills. Like any parents, we will never stop fighting for our (fur) baby, which is why we're asking you to please donate and share Billie's story with your friends and family. Billie completed our family just when we thought we would never feel whole. When we picked up Billie from the Austin Humane Society, she meowed so softly that we started referring to her as the "crybaby," which was eventually shortened to "the baby." The Baby is a fitting nickname for Billie who cries to be carried to bed and loves going for rides in her stroller. Billie loves to give cuddles at bedtime, watch the birds at sunrise with her dad, and jump across the maze of cat trees and boxes that litter our home. Thank you for helping fund Billie's surgery! We will provide updates as available.

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