

Hi, my name is Linda Rowe. I finally have the opportunity to complete a longtime journey to become an Ayurvedic Doctor. I've studied Ayurveda for the past 14 or so years with several teachers. The Ayurvedic Doctor course at Boston Ayurveda, Inc with Dr. Anusha Seghal and her colleagues is a 2-year program. It is based on the BAMS degree in India and includes roughly 85% of a BAMS syllabus. I have studied with Dr. Seghal before so I know it's a good fit. This fall is the beginning of the second cohort, so the first group has successfully finished their program. It is the final step for me in completing my Ayurveda studies. Since I was a teenager, I wanted to be a Doctor and understand how diseases occurred. At the time, I only had a western Doctor as a model of helping people heal. As I studied yoga, I came to learn about Ayurveda. On the one hand, it seems very simplistic but when you dive deeper, you gain a deep understanding of how the body works and how disease sets in. Although the title is not recognized in the West, the tools and the knowledge are based on science and have great practical application to the everyday person who wants to be better stewards of their body. I've been preparing myself for years for this program. I can contribute a portion of the tuition but I need support for the rest. The funds raised go directly to tuition. I will cover the remainder of tuition, book purchases and the Internship in India at the end of the program. Thank you, kindly for your support. Receiving help with tuition means I can offer Ayurveda to others who may not be able to afford it.

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