

We are deeply saddened by the passing of our dearly loved Jace Scott on Thursday morning. He was only one years old. Jace Scott was born a beautiful, healthy 9.8oz pound baby boy. After 6 months Jace started having health problems. And after some diagnoses, Jace’s team of doctors discovered that he had Type 2 Gaucher disease. Type 2 Gaucher disease is caused by a genetic mutation and is a rare disease, inherited (passed down from both parents). It is progressive, and life-threatening condition that affect many parts of the body, causing neurologic or brain symptoms. It also causes an enlarged large liver and spleen, anemia and low platelets that cause problems getting the blood to clot. It is also painful. There is currently no cure. Tanya (Jace’s mommy) wants to bring awareness to Gaucher in the hopes that in the near future there can be a cure for this devastating disease. We are asking for your support to help pay for Jace’s funeral costs. Please consider donating to Jace’s LFEBridge or send a note to Laquanda via this platform for info to send your donation via Zelle or Cash App. Here a link to Jace’s photos, please upload photos you want to share.!Aotbh4Jh5i7EtQGQMaPrI4nTDOKP?e=vLFvlG We are so grateful for your support during this difficult time. Sincerely, The Family

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