Vincent Van Gogh once said, "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." There are so many quotes about the value of kindness, but I like this one because it acknowledges that even little things can add up and have a big impact. Similarly, we can all remember days that have been ruined by some small thing that was said or happened. One part of my job as a high school English teacher is to pour out small acts of kindness on my students and to provide little things they might need to prevent the little disasters that threaten to ruin their school days. Would you consider donating to my classroom fund to help purchase things that we need? Sometimes, a student needs a pencil that still has an eraser. Sometimes, someone needs a tampon. Lots of times, students need snacks. We tend to go through band-aids fairly quickly. I love to celebrate good work or just making it through a long week with treats like muffins or cookies! Whatever you can give, I'm very appreciative of your support!
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