Hi, my name is Philip and I'm fundraising for my cat, Aggie Agatha's healthcare. Aggie is a 17-year-old beauty who survived cancer in 2018, a house fire last November, congestive heart failure and a thyroid storm last week. I saved money diligently to pay for my pet's care, but the repeated expensive emergency visits and costly medications have, over the past year, cost more than 8,000 dollars, and outrun my savings. I am fixed income, receiving Social Security Disability Insurance and make about 14,000 dollars a year. Even in that very tight situation I saved up thousands to be responsible for Aggie and be a good owner. But it is now spent and would take a decade to re-save. Here I am asking for help from anyone who wants to support Aggie's care, and who is in a place where they can afford, safely, to be kind to us. There are many people in need and few people who can help. So I do not expect much help. I only ask because receiving this help will allow me to continue to give Aggie the best care, which she deserves as an amazing, beloved cat that I have known all her life, and that I can not truly provide from this point. I can provide receipts for thousands of dollars of recent care and am happy to do so for anyone. You can find me and aggie on https://twitter.com/RipperElse Aggie is one of the most magical beings I've ever had the grace to know, and my best friend in this world. Thank you. Philip Fullington Ripper P.S. Aggie is having surgery, at the recomendation of her vets, to get a feeding tube installed. No one needs to help with this cost the debt is my own, but I increased the goal to account for some of it. The total lifetime cost is expected to be around 9,000 usd from here onward. Here is the deposit with the hospital today (7_26) Will include every update here with reciepts. update receipt on 7_28
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