Dear friends and loved ones,I have recently learned of an opportunity where I could travel to Bolivia and work with "A Breeze of Hope" foundation. The trip is from May 9th-May 23rd to learn about the medical field, giving children check ups, interacting in the local school, and participating in a clinic for children who were sexually abused. Founded in 2004, A Breeze of Hope exists to provide free legal, social, and psychological services to victims of sexual violence. Brisa De Angulo, founder of A Breeze of Hope, started this dream at the age of 17 after being a victim of sexual abuse and being told theres nothing we can do about it. Thats just the way it is. She started with what was just an after school program where children could come to a safe place to do their homework and it became that and more, by adding on the clinic for sexually abused children. Brisa has had to fight with the Bolivian government just to get some justice and has even come to the states to tell her story. She has inspired many, myself included, simply by standing up for what she believes in and by doing the right thing. This opportunity has captured my heart, something of which I haven't felt in a long time. My entire life I have always had the passion to travel and bring a helping hand to international communities. I'm going for it. So thats the lesson isnt it? If you want a change, you have to make a change...http://www.abreezeofhope.org/who-we-are/overview
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